Bathing Water Quality - Activities Away, Lincoln

  • Bathing Water Quality

Water Quality Testing

Bathing Water Quality Consultant - recreational lake

The Lincoln lake offers a number of sporting activities at their 1.43 hectare lake, notably open water swimming. As such it is necessary to ensure that the water quality meets that of the European Parliament Bathing Water Quality Directive 2006/7/EC.


Delta-Simons was appointed by Activities Away to complete Bathing Water Quality testing at their Lincoln based activity centre. The Lincoln Centre offers a number of water based recreational and sporting activities at their 1.43 hectare lake, notably open water swimming. As such it is necessary to ensure that the quality of the lake meets that of the European Parliament Bathing Water Quality Directive 2006/7/EC, the criteria needed in order to comply with EU standards concerning bathing water quality and hydrological contaminants.

Outline / Scope of Works

At the start of the bathing season it is important to complete the first of several sample tests to ensure that the ambient levels of Escherichia coli, Intestinal enterococci, pesticides, toxic metals and other biological or industrial presences in the lake are within safety limitations. This process of regularly testing the condition of the water is to be repeated over the course of the bathing season to generate a thorough and accurate representation of the lake's condition. Reports are to be provided to the client after each round of testing to satisfy the testing action plan set out by our team.

Outcome / Client Benefits

Preliminary measurements from the lake suggest that the condition of the water currently meets the requirements of an "Excellent" Bathing Water Quality Classification, giving Activites Away confidence that their facility meets European Union standards for water safety and that their customers can enjoy a safe and healthy bathing environment. Further testing is to continue over the coming months to further guarantee the safety and high quality of the lake.

See our Water Quality services.